Connecting Artists & Brands

For more meaningful long-term partnerships.

“I’ve always wanted to ride a Harley.” - Luke Spiller

Click here to see how this one off hand comment from Luke Spiller of The Struts lead to a multi-year partnership with Harley-Davidson.

We flip the traditional Brand Partnership model around. We start with the Artist and then connect them with the Brands they use & love.

Idea Factory - a bi-lingual company speaking both Music & Brand

Hi – I’m Peter Szabo, Founder of Idea Factory and I’m passionate about flipping conventional brand partnerships upside down.

While running both US Ad Sales & Global Music at Shazam, we’d get loads of requests from brands to find artists who liked a particular drink, car, coat and so on.

When we’d ask an artist if they liked that drink, car or coat, they’d always feel inclined to say yes, even if they didn’t really love it because it came with money.

That’s when I thought – wouldn’t it better to start on the opposite side of the equation - to start with the Artist?

That’s exactly what we do through Idea Factory. We sit down with Musicians and begin a conversation by asking two key questions:

  • What products can’t you live without?

  • Which 3 brands, if they went away tomorrow, would make you genuinely disappointed?

The answers to those questions are the start of authentic, passionate and powerful brand partnerships. From there, Idea Factory connects the Artist to the Brand to explore possible partnership opportunities based on mutual interest.

What we do

Artist & Brand Partnerships

Unique Artist Events

Music Strategy

Artist Curation for Brands