There are Endless Possibilities, when You Bring Together a Loyal Consumer (Artist) & a Passionate Brand.



Everything starts with an idea. People rally around ideas, they find resources for great ideas. These are examples where Idea Factory started with great ideas from Artists and connected them with the Brands they use and love.

“I’ve always wanted to ride a Harley.”

The off hand comment that started a multi-year partnership.

The partnership started with Luke Spiller of the Struts attending Harley-Davidson’s Riding Academy and after getting licensed, opening a show at Pier 17 in New York by taking to the stage on a Harley.

The success story continued with Harley-Davidson sponsoring the Struts “Tour De California” tour to using their music in Harley-Davidson commercials.

It’s amazing when you really listen, just how much can come from off hand comments.

“What if we painted a guitar together?”

Luke Spiller of The Struts has a variety of creative outlets - one of which is painting custom guitars.

Teaming up with Hilton, The Struts gave Hilton Honors members the chance to bid on a once in a lifetime experience to paint a custom guitar with Luke and The Struts.

“The Time is Now”

Luke Spiller’s personal mantra that is engraved into the inner watch pendant.

Luke Spiller, of The Struts, dreamed up and designed a watch that kicked off the Fossil Group’s imprint Misfit’s exclusive artist series collaborations. The Time is Now limited-edition box set which was limited to 400 was a huge hit with Spiller fans.

“Designing this watch was like writing a song or making a piece of art,” Luke notes. I found myself inserting small details that were reflective of things I admire everywhere to create something new that I would personally love and wear.”

Unique Artist Events

Live events are great - but unique live events are even better. Whether you’re an artist looking to add a show or a brand wanting to host a memorable artist event, That Idea Factory can help. These are examples of how we turn artists events from ordinary to extraordinary.

“We’re already in town. Let’s do it!"

Making the most out of every situation is key to what Idea Factory does. If there is more mutual benefit to be gained from additional ideas, we’ll always suggest it.

This is how we ended up putting together an incredibly special intimate performance for 250 lucky Hunter Hayes fans.

Sold out in less than 10-minutes!

“Are you up for a little performance?”

“Sure, but is there any spot more interesting?"

Doing unexpected things in unique ways is a core part of Idea Factory. Why do a performance in a typical location when you can do a few songs on an island in the middle of a gorgeous lake?

That’s what Alana Springsteen did as part of Spotify’s Commercial Partnerships offsite where 50+ leaders boated to a remote island where Alana Springsteen was waiting to perform.

Image: Glenn Weinrich